


Jibberish Homemade Zakka

走进 Jibberish 就会有一种来到阳光明丽的地中海的觉得,虽然外面的世界其实是一片春天的绿色。这家店的主人 Natta 以前是杂志社的平面设计师,经过 WWOOF 去日本的日子里像一位女士学习了制造日系图案蓝染的技术,原本就对蓝染有所尝试的 Natta 从此技艺愈发高超,而她对蓝染的喜欢也越来越深。

Walking into Jibberish is like stepping into the sunny Mediterranean Sea, even though the outside world is actually a spring green. Natta, the owner of this shop, used to be a graphic designer of a magazine. When she went to Japan through WWOOF, she learned the technology of making Japanese pattern blue dye like a lady. Since then, Natta, who had tried blue dye, has become more skillful, and her love for blue dye has become deeper and deeper.

在她男友的鼓舞下,最终决议将这份兴味开展为事业。Natta 曾是最早入驻 Baan Kang Wat 艺术村的人之一,如今的店铺与工作室曾经搬到了皇家花博园西北方向的 Doi Kham。这里的环境其实跟小店的作风愈加搭调。



Natta 所运用的自然染料听说传承自泰国东北部 Isan 地域一位具有 20 年经历的教师傅。店里呈现的蓝染产品都是由 Natta 担任染色后交由妈妈停止缝制,再由妹妹填上刺绣,能够说是完整的“homemade”。店里的作风当然是 Natta 擅长的日系,加上布料质感特别舒适的产品,这里几乎就是文青少女们梦寐以求的中央。

The natural dyes used by Natta are said to have been passed down from a 20-year-old teacher in The Isan region of northeastern Thailand. The blue dye products presented in the store are all dyed by Natta and handed over to mother to stop sewing, and then filled with embroidery by sister, which can be said to be complete "homemade". Of course, the style of the store is the Japanese style that Natta is good at, and with the comfortable fabric, it is almost the center that young girls dream of.
