

6、印度尼西亚 凯伊群岛

越来越多的人以为,偏僻的印度尼西亚凯伊群岛(Kai islands)的白色沙滩是世界上最美丽的。这儿经济发展缓慢,沙滩没有被过度开发,一切保留着大自然的原始风貌。假如你对原始而细腻的沙滩、碧蓝明澈的海水、多彩珍惜的鸟类、耀眼的鱼群和壮丽的珊瑚礁不感兴趣,就不要来这座群岛。

More and more people think the white sand beaches of the remote Kai Islands in Indonesia are the most beautiful in the world. Economic development here is slow, the beach has not been over-exploited, everything retains the original nature. If you are not interested in pristine and delicate beaches, clear blue waters, colorful and rare birds, dazzling schools of fish and magnificent coral reefs, do not visit this archipelago.


7、墨西哥 穆赫雷斯岛

朴实无华的穆赫雷斯岛(Isla Muje-res)坐落旅游胜地坎昆附近,7公里长,不到1公里宽。这儿不是纸醉金迷的城市,美丽的热带海滩让它成为许多人的最爱。岛南端的海水还因其绿宝石般的色彩而远近闻名。假如想体验加勒比海的趣味,就去Playa Norte海滩,那里的酒保能够把酒水直接送到你在的沙滩上晒太阳的当地。假如你喜欢清静,可选择的当地有Playa Paraiso海滩和Playa Indios海滩。


8、澳大利亚 北斯特拉德布罗克岛

斯特拉迪岛(Straddie)——北斯特拉德布罗克岛(North Stradbroke Island)的昵称,是世界上最大的沙岛之一。昆士兰州的这座岛拥有长达30公里的白色主沙滩,背景里辽阔无垠的沙丘让这儿成为玩沙滩四驱车的好当地。此外,岛上的眺望点一带还有愈加偏僻而幽静的当地。在这儿,你能做的只有冲浪、晒太阳,或许还能够到礁石围成的池子里划船,欣赏丰富的海洋生物,或在岸边欣赏鲸和本地特有动物。

从大陆乘坐Big Red Cat渡河能够登岛,渡船每天16般,每周7天都运营。


9、泰国 帕岸岛

在泰国湾南部群岛的大家庭中,帕岸岛(Ko Pha-Ngan)就坐落商业成熟的“老大哥”苏梅岛和潜水运动盛行的“小弟”龟岛之间那片水晶之海上。帕岸岛就像家中温婉的女子,却又像是个非主流的小子,也有着不眠之夜和比基尼派对。Hat Rin 以每月都要举办的圆月集会而著称,参与集会的人大多是吃苦主义者和寻求刺激的人们。在老旧的棚屋被新鲜时尚的居处所取代的进程中,帕岸岛也在默默的进军高级之列了。但别忧虑,帕岸岛相同也合适那些寻求荒无人烟的沙滩的离群索居者。东部和北部海岸正好是一块宁静之处。

In the family of islands in the southern Gulf of Thailand, Ko Pha-ngan sits on the crystal sea between Koh Samui, the commercial "big brother", and Kamei, the scuba diving "little brother". Palan island is like the gentle woman in the home, but like a non-mainstream boy, also having sleepless nights and bikini parties. Hat Rin is famous for its monthly Full Moon Rally, which is held by a large group of zealots and thrill-seekers. In the process of replacing old shacks with new and fashionable dwellings, Phan An is quietly making its way up the ranks. But don't worry, Phan An is also suitable for the solitary in search of a deserted beach. The east and north coasts are just a quiet spot.


10、美国 普鲁纳乌沙滩


Hawaii, with its fabled black sand beaches, has won the Best Beach award several times in recent years. In fact, it is indeed a place worthy of its name, Punalu'u, with its stunning blue waters crashing against the ink-black beach, and rows of coconut palms in the distance churning the dark-green waves. The view is perfect for hammocks, and you can just lay back and be lost in contemplation. You may even see tortoiseshell ghosts crawling slowly toward the beach to lay their eggs. But don't touch them, and their sandy nests -- these endangered creatures are very weak and have no resistance to many bacteria.

玳瑁龟——当地人叫它们Honu’ea 每年5月至9月会在这儿的沙滩上筑巢产卵。它们严禁被触摸,因为人类所携带的细菌对其杀伤力极大。
